Monday, November 30, 2015

Thanksgiving With Images


Copy and paste the above link into a new tab to see my page

To edit my images, I just adjusted the height and width, and then put the link in as though I was connecting the image to another website.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I got an 18 out of 25. I think we only learned the answers to five questions in class, so it was all random guessing and deduction. Some things I guessed incorrectly were how to open a link in a new tab, what table elements were, and how to make a checkbox, drop-down list, and text area.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Intro To HTML

I used tags and Notepad. I want to know how to accept input from users.

Tags I've Learned

<html> defines an html document
<head> defines document's information
<title> displays page title
<body> displays page body
<h1-h8> the different sizes of heading
<p> paragraph
<br> break
<em> emphasis, usually italics
<strong> strong emphasis, usually bold
<b> bold
<i> italics
<cite> cites

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Answers to other people

Beth's: Oogbama is king

Alyssa's: I don't understand that reference

Ashley's: Eraser is life

Secret Code

- - - ~ ~ / - ~ - - ~ / - - ~ - ~ / - ~ ~ - -
- ~ ~ - - / - ~ ~ ~ ~ / ~ - ~ ~ - / - - ~ - ~ / ~ - - ~ ~
~ - - ~ ~ / - - ~ - ~ / - - - ~ - / - - - - ~ / ~ - - ~ ~ / ~ - ~ - - / - ~ - - ~ / - - - - ~ / - ~ ~ ~ -

0: -
1: ~

Monday, October 26, 2015


My group used a variation of categories, including Disney Characters, TV Characters, Music Artists, and more. We attempted to choose very obscure people in hopes of stumping the machine. In fact, most of the time it guessed wrong. It would go up to 30 questions and guess around ten times total before finally giving up, and then a list would appear of other possibilities. It did get a few of the more well-known ones correct, such as 42 Wallaby Way (from Finding Nemo), and Donald Trump. I believe it could use more information, because when we tried searching what we put in at the very end, nothing would come up. Although sometimes, like in the case of TV Characters, other characters from that show would appear. Overall, it was easy to outsmart and I wasn't terribly impressed. It was certainly entertaining though.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Design Tools

While looking at all of my classmates' work, I noticed a few things. First, some people included the entire graph while snipping their designs, and others cut directly around their creations. Many people chose simple designs to copy, and students seem to have a similar idea of what they wanted to make. The creative projects varied drastically, and showed individual personality. They were all colorful and interesting to look at.